Terms of use
of the Autrement dit website content

The Autrement dit website is a unique concept developed by Chantale Audet and Amélie Bourret.
It is also the exclusive property of Autrement dit.

Do you want to refer to passages from our website? We don’t mind, but make sure you quote us.

Use of content from blog posts

You may use the content of the blog posts as long as the passages are reproduced in full without changing the content.

Don’t forget to quote us. Here is one way to do it:

Autrement dit. (2021, April 23). Qu’est-ce que le langage clair et simple? Autrement dit, osez la clarté. www.autrementdit.ca/langageclairetsimple (Accessed May 13, 2021).

If you have any other specific request regarding our content, please contact us: info@autrementdit.ca.

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